Sunday, January 20, 2013

baking progress

i am seriously not a great cooker, nor a baker.

but i love baking now, bcoz it's a destressed agent for me. haha..

todate, following the trending cakes.. i managed to make..

1- red velvet
2- pavlova (oh, sekarang dah gaduh. so no more pavlova yang akan dibuat dengan kasih sayang. kakaka..)
3- rainbow cake
4- hokkaido cupcake
5- chocolate indulgence
6- marshmallow chocolate candy
7- famous amos chocolate chip cookies
8- pineapple upside down cake (updated via dolphin)
looking forward to make more sophisticated cakes in 2013..


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Saturday, January 12, 2013


what i mean here is keter oto.

seriously, i didn't get traumatized with it. but i kinda reject whenever i hear that i have to drive 'em.


sejarah ialah i have to drive j's car back then in ganu. i dah la tak berapa pro manual dat time n u asked me on oto. summore u duduk belakang bukak leptop leaving me alone in front? eh, memang tak ah. i am not that brave that time!

however, selepas i pro bawak keta manual n since having my baby fofi. oh nak kata hebak ni racing. konon.

just for our annual dinner in shangri-la kl yesterday, my plan ialah tak bawak keta at all. pegi keja abah hantar. pegi shangri-la naik lrt. balik umah naik lrt n komuter.

all changed before lunch time!

rerupanya si amoi ni tak bawak wallet plus lesen! n eli takmo drive bcoz tak sehat sangat plus peknen. the last choice ialah ai lah! ai have to drive that oto car! omo!!

kol encik g, blerghhhhh.. he doesn't know to respond anymore. i just wonder what happened to him? maybe he's just ashamed that he still in that mood when i'm not. i don't know. entah la. not gonna wish him anything anymore. maybe my next sms will be a namja name. that's all.

berbalik kepada journey to the shangri-la. bos bagi lepas awal. kami konvoi patutnya tapi lepas tu separated! terus pakai gps amoi. oh ye, starting bawak keta amoi yang kena kuarkan keta becoz parking tu dekat sangat dengan longkang. menakutkan!

so then when i take over, bismillah. tekan brek n eli yang masukkan gear d. i just have to tekan minyak n brek dan change signal jer. bawak selo mula-mula n rising lah!

from opis, kita pakai jalan belakang to sprint hiway up to pusat sains negara to jalan kuching. sepatutnya. but then i termasuk duke sebelah kiri instead of kanan. so then kita jalan depan sket jumpa u-turn then jalan terusssssss ke arah the mall/sime darby tu. menghala ke klcc la lebih kurang. depan tu dah nampak shangri-la sebelah kanan so kita u-turn dan masuk parking. tadaaaa!!

parking pun tak sempit sangat n tak susah sangat. eli tukar gear for me. so i just ke depan or reverse dengan jayanya. hihi..

surau n toilet sebelah dengan baik, ada paip n well-managed. selesa.

dinner in lemon-garden or samting. lupa pulak nak amik gambo. ehe.

my choices of menu, aish, nanti i instagram dulu. kikikik. sempat lou sang tu tak tahan!

parking fees ialah rm 16 yu! i drive myself back to komuter subang jaya.

such a talkative me n cheerful dinner for sebelah sini. memang not the usual me lah kalau selalu tengok kat opis. jauh beno perangainya. n we're having much much fun than them. haha!

n now ialah sakit kaki. sebab pakai heels gamaknya. kekeke

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013



kalau satu masa nanti, ditakdirkan my baby fofi sampai kena modified banyak n tukar kaler.....

i would like to choose the red for fiesta!

wouldn't it be wonderful like that?

or else, maybe berapa tahun tukar kaler ke cane kot?

but her body is grey metallic with starry sparkle. it maybe not nice to change immediately to red. ummm...

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i don't know if, it's just me, or others can smell this too..


i think, between after making sex and u mandi wajib, there's some kind of smell which is so unpleasant.

i've tried to ask en g, but he doesn't seems to aware about this though.

perempuan dan lelaki. both can have this.

to be precise, maybe it is the post-ejaculated smell kot.

for those yang tidak mandi wajib, this smell retains for around one or two days. tapi maybe lepas tu hilang la kot.

but i really don't stand this smell and i tried to avoid it so badly.

itu jela kot. i just would like to see the malays betul2 melakukan apa yang agama suruh, bukan buat separuh-separuh. like, pakai tudung tapi tak solat. it is so dissapointed to see someone close like that.

ok lah, lenkali sambung lagi. chiow!

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